The Decade of Native Electronic Payments - 2010 and Beyond

This year, 2010, marks the beginning of the decade where the transition to “native electronic payments” will be completed.  Consumers will continue down the road of abandoning check writing. Businesses will automate the processes necessary to move to a native electronic payments environment and over the next decade the check will no longer be the preferred business payment method.


View Article: The Decade of Native Electronic Payments

Published in AR Matters March-April 2010

UPIC and Wire Transfer - Perfect Together

UPICs for ACH have been a reality for more than half a decade.
So where is UPIC for wire transfer?


View Article: UPIC and Wire Transfer - Perfect Together

Published in AFP Payments Newsletter - June 2009


U.S. B2B Electronic Payments Landscape -- A Highway with Limited Access Ramps

Most people take for granted the importance of the Interstate Highway System that was developed over the last fifty years.  The highway system was essential to the economic development of the United States.


View Article: The U.S. B2B Electronic Payments Landscape

Published in AFP Exchange April 2008


U.S. Wire Transfer Systems Enhancements: Missing in Action

Representatives from the New York Fed and CHIPS promised to announce a decision on the direction that they would take by the end of June, 2007. As we move into 2008,
no one is sure when or if the direction willbe announced. The corporate community
was counting on leadership from these two organizations to move this initiative forward.


View Article: U.S. Wire Transfer Systems Enhancements: Missing in Action

Published in AFP Payments Newsletter - February 2008


The Myth of EDI - An EDI & XML Primer

A myth exists that traditional electronic data interchange is too expensive and technically complex. The popular belief is that it only makes sense for large companies to implement EDI solutions.


View Article: Poor Man's EDI

December 2007

Enhancing the Wire Transfer Systems - The Dilemma – ISO 20022 or STP 820?

There is little debate among the banks or the payments system operators that the systems require upgrades to increase automation for the initiation and receipt of the payments.  They also agree that the systems need enhancements to carry structured remittance information to enable automated reconciliation and posting to accounts receivable systems.  So what constitutes the debate?


View Article: Wire Transfer Debate

Published in AFP Exchange - May 2007

View Presentation: IntraNet Product Users Group

June 2007

Business Check Conversion

Is business check conversion to ACH inevitable?

7business check conversion

View Article: Letter to the American Banker

April 2005
